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Lead Investigator/Founder Steve Gartin
Steve Gartin is one of the Lead Investigators and founders of Greenup Paranormal. As a child he had some experiences that led him to believe in the paranormal. To this day, he find myself face to face with things that cannot be seen.
"The one thing we must know that I have found out in my life is spirits where once human too. They were flesh and blood like you and I and they deserve respect. They "act out" as some say to reach out and communicate. That is the only way they know how. They speak to us by moving things, knocking etc. I have seen cases where people have went to bed and left their door unlocked and heard thumping and banging. As they went down to see what it was, the door was unlocked and they felt as if the spirit was letting them know they needed to lock their doors. Though I believe in the paranormal, when I go into a location, I go in as a skeptic. I try to find logical explanations for the activity our clients are experiencing." -- Steve
He enjoys working with every investigator on the team. GCPS is like a family and we take our job, team, investigators and rules very seriously. For any successful team, you must have respect to clients, team, investigators and you must have set rules. The paranormal field can be dangerous so if there are no rules and just gun-ho type of people, someone is bound to get hurt.
Steve is a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Aikido, Karate, and Tae-Kwon-Do. He is also a Pastor of a Church. He loves music playing it and singing as well as listening. He has a wonderful marriage and two beautiful kids. He is a country boy or as his wife calls him Implanted country boy (he grew up in the city but is a Country in heart). he loves bon fires, outdoors, and nature. Steve's interests is Paranormal, Martial Arts, Church, I LOVE Preaching, Bible, outdoors, family, gaming, music and playing guitar and drums, knowledge. He loves to dig deep and research things.
Steve is trained in CPR
"The one thing we must know that I have found out in my life is spirits where once human too. They were flesh and blood like you and I and they deserve respect. They "act out" as some say to reach out and communicate. That is the only way they know how. They speak to us by moving things, knocking etc. I have seen cases where people have went to bed and left their door unlocked and heard thumping and banging. As they went down to see what it was, the door was unlocked and they felt as if the spirit was letting them know they needed to lock their doors. Though I believe in the paranormal, when I go into a location, I go in as a skeptic. I try to find logical explanations for the activity our clients are experiencing." -- Steve
He enjoys working with every investigator on the team. GCPS is like a family and we take our job, team, investigators and rules very seriously. For any successful team, you must have respect to clients, team, investigators and you must have set rules. The paranormal field can be dangerous so if there are no rules and just gun-ho type of people, someone is bound to get hurt.
Steve is a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Aikido, Karate, and Tae-Kwon-Do. He is also a Pastor of a Church. He loves music playing it and singing as well as listening. He has a wonderful marriage and two beautiful kids. He is a country boy or as his wife calls him Implanted country boy (he grew up in the city but is a Country in heart). he loves bon fires, outdoors, and nature. Steve's interests is Paranormal, Martial Arts, Church, I LOVE Preaching, Bible, outdoors, family, gaming, music and playing guitar and drums, knowledge. He loves to dig deep and research things.
Steve is trained in CPR
Gear Room Command Karen Thompson
Karen is a Lead Investigator with GCPS ... As long as she can remember she has sensed spirits, whether good or bad. She has seen ghosts, angels & demons & as a Christian, she has "cleaned house" of demonic forces. She has had dreams that are of certain houses that had activity & had never been in the house before.
She have always been a strong believer in the fact that even though something is not seen, doesn't mean it doesn' t exist.
She have always been a strong believer in the fact that even though something is not seen, doesn't mean it doesn' t exist.
Tech Repair and Inventor Dude Jim Thompson

Jim does not investigate the paranormal, but he repair the equipment when it breaks down and he invent things for them to test in the field.
Tech. Manager Jeff Bays (Temp. Lead Investigator) (Boomer)
I am a Paranormal Investigator with The "Greenup County Paranormal Society" and I devote as much time as possible to the search for an understanding of the Paranormal. I am also a sensitive and use my abilities to aid in the search. I enjoy talking to as many Paranormal Investigators as possible. I want to be able to compare notes on what has worked for us and what has worked for other Paranormal Investigators in the search for proof of the Paranormal, If such a thing is possible and I would have to say it is. I have been on the search for that proof for more than 40 years. Even though me and GCPS are seeking Paranormal proof, I believe that the only proof that will be, for the most part accepted is an interview with a spirit that has passed on where he/she is visible and see-through before a large number of people and recording devices. This is my personal belief and all must agree that irrefutable evidence is impossible. No proof will be accepted by all, this said, what I am seeking is evidence that cannot be disputed, for my own personal satisfaction.
Jeff is also a Temporary Lead Investigator. What this means, is if a Lead Investigator isnt able to come out, then Jeff steps up. This works especially when two Lead Investigators are out, there isnt just one running the case. If all three Leads are on a case, Jeff is a regular Investigator.
Jeff is also a Temporary Lead Investigator. What this means, is if a Lead Investigator isnt able to come out, then Jeff steps up. This works especially when two Lead Investigators are out, there isnt just one running the case. If all three Leads are on a case, Jeff is a regular Investigator.
Senior Investigator/Assistant Gear Room Operator Roe Stith
I live in South Shore KY, I am a mom and a Mamaw. I have worked all my life. I am a new member of GCPS.
I enjoy Ghost hunting, taking pictures, I like SyFy and have been to Scarefest. I like reading and Love Football (NFL)
I enjoy Ghost hunting, taking pictures, I like SyFy and have been to Scarefest. I like reading and Love Football (NFL)
Investigator/Asst Tech Steve Gartin Jr
Steve Jr grew up in a house that was super active with spirits. Raised by Lead Investigator Steve, he knew spirits existed. Growing up in the Church, he knows that God can always provide and protect us. Steve is Clairvoyant like his dad, mother, and grandmother (Lead Investigator Karen) and Aunt (Case Manager Angie).
Steve loves to talk to his girlfriend, play Xbox One, World of Tanks on internet, and other games. He prides himself in being a gamer. He hardly ever comes out on investigations but is one of our Junior Investigator. Being the oldest son of Owners/Founders Steve & Lisa Gartin.
Steve Jr is Seventeen Years Old.
Steve loves to talk to his girlfriend, play Xbox One, World of Tanks on internet, and other games. He prides himself in being a gamer. He hardly ever comes out on investigations but is one of our Junior Investigator. Being the oldest son of Owners/Founders Steve & Lisa Gartin.
Steve Jr is Seventeen Years Old.
Junior Investigator Angel Gartin

Angel grew up in a house that was super active with spirits. Raised by Lead Investigator Steve, she knew spirits existed. Growing up in the Church, she has faith that is powerful. Angel is Clairvoyant like her dad, mother, and grandmother (Lead Investigator Karen) and Aunt (Case Manager Angie). She can take her energy and literally push a dowsing rod without touching it.
Angel loves to sing, horses, draw, hang out with friends, text on the phone, and sometimes play Xbox One...Angel is our youngest Junior Investigator but goes to a lot of investigations and ALL events the team holds or is in
Angel is the youngest daughter of Owners/Founders Steve & Lisa Gartin.
Angel is almost Sixteen Years Old
Angel loves to sing, horses, draw, hang out with friends, text on the phone, and sometimes play Xbox One...Angel is our youngest Junior Investigator but goes to a lot of investigations and ALL events the team holds or is in
Angel is the youngest daughter of Owners/Founders Steve & Lisa Gartin.
Angel is almost Sixteen Years Old
Investigator - Tammy Stratton
I love being in the paranormal field and trying to find answers that cannot be explained. I have always had paranormal experiences no matter where I have lived or places I have visited. I am also an empath and I can feel the emotions of others living or deceased. It is so overwhelming at times I have to distant myself from everything and everyone. I am beyond grateful for Greenup County Paranormal Society to have me be a part of their family.
Investigator - Jamie Barton
Jamie is an Eastern Kentucky native who is an active genealogist, and is very intrigued by history. She also enjoys traveling for the culture, and experiences. Jamie is a medium empath, and can sense or feel those who have past on, encounter vivid dreams, or sense events that have happened.
Investigator Kenny Kelley

Kenny is a Minister. He makes up the 4th Minister in this team.
Investigator Marissa Ellis
Part-Time Investigator George Woods
George is a Minister of Steve's Church and his cousin. As a Part-Time Investigator, George comes out when the team has a large location, needs a stand in, or when he wants to come out.
Investigator Brent Heird
AU19, consisting of Brent Heird and other collaborative teams, is an effort to assist others in understanding what is going on in their lives and on their property. Although not everything is paranormal, those experiencing it still need help in understanding. AU19 works diligently to aide their clients to reach some type of peace in their homes and on their land. After twenty plus years of dealing with nature spirits, land hauntings, and other unknown activities, AU19 was formed in 2019. Since childhood my family spoke of shadow creatures and shadow men that followed our bloodline. We always saw them. I set out to try to understand these incidents. Studying religion, native American lore, and other practices, I decided to set my research and experiences in a video format. Thus, creating Appalachia Unknown 2019 (#AU19)
Brent has always had an enthusiasm for the paranormal. After collaborating with our team, he was invited to be a part of our team and accepted. Brent is also the founder of Appalachia Unknown. |
Former Members
- Rick Gibbs -- Was Investigator (Health)
- Katie Everman -- Was Investigator (Personal)
- Terri Everman -- Was Investigator (Personal)
- Paula Kinder -- Was Investigator (Released)
- Charles Carrington -- Was Investigator (Moved)
- John Collins -- Was Camera Man (Deceased)
- Christi Dye -- Was Camera Woman (Left Team)
- Jayson Scaff -- Was Lead Investigator (Released)
- Frankie McDowell -- Was Investigator (Released)
- Shan Weinfurtner -- Was Investigator (Released)
- Todd Joseph -- Was Trainee (Released)
- Angie Gartin -- Was Case Manager (Released)
Copyright © 2024 Greenup County Paranormal Society. All rights reserved.
All photos, videos, and audio clips are the property of Greenup County Paranormal Society. Any use of said property must be granted by Greenup County Paranormal Society.
All photos, videos, and audio clips are the property of Greenup County Paranormal Society. Any use of said property must be granted by Greenup County Paranormal Society.